
Saturday 16 January 2010

An ode to the rising sun

Last year, i was on a once in a lifetime trip to orissa. Just to refresh my memory of Gods own country( totally justified tag) i was going through the pictures I had taken during my travels. One of these pictures was that of a sunrise observed from the DRDO guesthouse at Chandipur. For me the picture is very significant, as it has 3 suns- the real one, a reflection in water and a reflection in sand. It is a very special picture, as i have clicked it on  a 2 megapixel mobile phone. But, till yesterday, I only admired the picture. Now, I am in awe of it.. the reason, well, you can call it coincident- but the picture and the song "Tejo nidhi Loha gol" started at the same time on my pc.

I love the song Tejo Nidhi Loh gol- its very beautifully set in raag Lalit. but till now, i only used to listen to the song, rather than understanding its meaning. Somehow, looking at that picture with the song on, really made me realise the deeper meaning. Here I present the link to the song by Vasantrao Deshpande, The lyrics to the song, and the picture which really filled my mind.

The Picture:
The link to the Song: tejonidhi loh gol 
Here are the lyrics for the song:

तेजोनिधी लोह गोल, भास्कर हे गगनराज
हे दिनमणि व्योमराज, भास्कर हे गगनराज

दिव्य तुझ्या तेजाने, झगमगले भूवन आज,
हे दिनमणि व्योमराज भास्कर हे गगनराज.

कोटी कोटी किरण तुझे अनलशरा उधळिती
अमृतकण होऊन अणुरेणू उजळिती
तेजातच जनन मरण, तेजातच नवीन साज
हे दिनमणि व्योमराज, भास्कर हे गगनराज
ज्योतिर्मय मूर्ती तुझी, ग्रहमंडळ दिव्य सभा
दाहक परी संजीवक, करुणारून किरणप्रभा
होवो जीवन विकास, वासुधेची राख लाज
हे दिनमणि व्योमराज, भास्कर हे गगनराज

तेजोनिधी लोह गोल, भास्कर हे गगनराज
हे दिनमणि व्योमराज, भास्कर हे गगनराज!


  1. Beautiful lyrics - thanks to you I found them on the web. Here is a link to Vasantrao's rendition:

  2. Hello
    I wanted to know the meaning of the word 'Analshara' in this song. Any idea?

    1. Anal: Fire
      Arrows of fire

  3. Also listen same song tejonidi sung by pandit chandrakant limaye on YouTube. Really excellent.

  4. अनल म्हणजे अग्नी व शर म्हणजे बाण अनलशरा म्हणजे अग्नी बाणाने उधळती

  5. अनल म्हणजे अग्नी व शर म्हणजे बाण अनलशरा म्हणजे अग्नी बाणाने उधळती
