Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Say NO!!
One such conversation, with Rujuta, bore some quite funny results.Rujuta, to those who dont know, is my abrrevations teacher, and teaches me SMS language on chat.However, I guess she was also very bored. Thats why, deviating from our normal "bhankas" chat, we started discussing various scenarios about the possibility of me going on non-existant and imaginary dates, and started taking the micky out of it.
One such scenario was that if that imaginary girl asked me out.( as in proper asked me out.) How would I react? Well, obviously i was dumbfounded. If such a situation would actually occur, i think i would end up laughing. But then, she wanted a serious answer! So out of nowhere, i came up with " I will tell tomorrow"; which is really confusing. See, I thought I was telling that to the imaginary girl, whereas Rujuta thought that that was the answer to the question how would i react!! When they say, confusion creates laughter, they mean it. We were laughing over this for the next dont know how long!!
Well, at night, i made up my answer to reject the imaginary girl. But then I had to make up some way to say No!! you know- just confuse the girl, let the no parachute down instead of the next day we were discussing various ways of saying "No", and are actually still discussing them, and coming up with new, witty rejections, for the benifit of mankind. (See, rujuta, I am sharing credits! :P")
Here are a few that were my personal favourites.
1) Look at the girl... then look over your shoulder to an extremely pretty girl... then look back to the girl,and acting all surprized say " Oh.. sorry... am i in your way??"
2) say.. " I am sorry that i have to say No, as I really feel about your safety after this . Actually i would have said yes, but then your parents would have put you in the Mental Hospital!"
3) " If you are asking me out, You must either be Mad, Crazy, or totally whacked up. I only go out with NORMAL girls!"
4) "My dear, lets get the alcohol out of your system and then talk.... do you want to start puking??"
5)" you know, my mother is really scared of Ghosts. I dont want to give her a hear attack by going out with one"
6) " I am on a perilous path to enlightenment, which spreads to people who you love, and I am in no mood to SHARE"
7) "You are so hot, that if i even stand next to you, Ill vapourize, leaving you single again, and sad... so why take the chance of you getting sad?!"
8) then there is the classic one... " I am already set up somewhere else!"
There will be more, when we come up with them. till then laugh on!!
by the way, this post is meant as humour. I do not think that anyone should actually use them, unless you want to get hammered by a chappal.:P
Sunday, 27 December 2009
काशी ताईचे लग्न
We had like a massive group of kids- all family friends in London- Me, Rishabh, Kashmira( काशी ताई), Sanket, and a few others. We used to hang out all weekend, watch movies, and roam about doing nothing. the time spent was just awesome!! It was in my 12th standard, that we started teasing Sanket and Kashmira. You know- just as a joke. But we didnt know that they actually were going out!!! then, when they broke the news one fine day, we were refusing to believe it for ages!
Well, that said, those stories, and her near escapades from her parents are a thing of past now. 4 years ago. I still dont believe its been four years. It only seems like yesterday. But on actual yesterday, her wedding day, was awesome fun! got to meet a lot of familiar faces, i had not met for quite a while now. Finally got to hang out with Rishabh-after ages. It reminded me of those Pizza fridays we used to have. Also met Pooja for the first time. One very cool person.. (Rishabh... all the best man!!). and the normal midgety idiots- Shrutika and Mithila- though now, they have got a lot taller!! Oh and had a usual, normal, daily dose of fight with Kashmira, which i hadnt done for a long time, and probably without which, i dont get a big smile on my face. Its just our attitudes of belittleing each other as a joke that rock. It was her wedding day, and still me and rishabh were troubling her- rather she was getting troubled, although i had promised not to trouble her. Still, its awesome! The only thing thats better is probably troubling anushree, shrutika and mithila...
Now that the wedding is all done, Kashi taiee and Sanket are off to their honeymoon, Janhavi Mavshi, Kiran Kaka, Amrita Mavshi, Rishabh and all are off to London, Vinay Kaka off to Malaysia. Well, that leaves me all alone over here!
Its actually extremely weird to imagine Kashmira getting married. She is hardly 2 years older than I am. and still, she is married!! Oh my god! And look at me!! no one in the right state of mind will ever marry me!! forget marriage, i dont even have a girlfriend yet!! (thats down to all my ridiculous conditions, mentioned here
Ah, let it be. Im happy the way I am- single and always ready to mingle- oh and always stress free...So be it... I wish काशी ताई and Sanket a happy married life..
Thursday, 24 December 2009
स्वप्नाची समाप्ती
स्नेहहीन ज्योतीपरी
मंद होई शुक्रतारा
काळ्या मेघखंडास त्या
किनारती निळ्या धारा
स्वप्नासम एक एक
तारा विरे आकाशात
खिरे रात्र कण कण
प्रकाशाच्या सागरात
काढ सखे, गळ्यातील
तुझे चांदण्याचे हात
क्षितिजाच्या पलिकडे
उभे दिवसाचे दूत
रातपाखरांचा आर्त
नाद नच कानी पडे
संपवून भावगीत
झोपलेले रातकिडे.
पहाटेचे गार वारे
चोरट्याने जगावर
येती पाय वाजवत
वाळलेल्या पानांवर
शांति आणि विषण्णता
दाटलेली दिशांतून
गजबज गजवील
जग घटकेने दोन
जमू लागलेले दव
गवताच्या पातीवर
भासते भू तारकांच्या
आसवांनी ओलसर
काढ सखे, गळ्यातील
तुझे चांदण्याचे हात
क्षितिजाच्या पलिकडे
उभे दिवसाचे दूत.
प्राजक्ताच्या पावलाशी
पडे दूर पुष्प-रास
वाऱ्यावर वाहती हे
त्याचे दाटलेले श्वास
ध्येय, प्रेम, आशा यांची
होतसे का कधी पूर्ती
वेड्यापरी पूजातो या
आम्ही भंगणाऱ्या मूर्ती!
खळ्यामध्ये बांधलेले
बैल होवोनिया जागे
गळ्यातील घुंगरांचा
नाद कानी येऊ लागे
आकृतींना दूरच्या त्या
येऊ लागे रूप रंग
हालचाल कुजबूज
होऊ लागे जागोजाग.
काढ सखे, गळ्यातील
तुझे चांदण्याचे हात
क्षितिजाच्या पलिकडे
उभे दिवसाचे दूत
प्रकाशाच्या पावलाची
चाहुल ये कानावर
ध्वज त्याचे कनकाचे
लागतील गडावर
होते म्हणून स्वप्ना एक
एक रात्र पाहिलेले
होते म्हणून वेड एक
एक रात्र राहिलेले.
ओततील आग जगी
दूत त्याचे लक्षावधी
उजेडात दिसू वेडे
आणि ठरू अपराधी!
Monday, 21 December 2009
वन्दे मातरम्
द्विसप्त कोटि भुजैर्ध्रत खरकरवाले
के बोले मा तुमी अबले
बहुबल धारिणीम् नमामि तारिणीम्
रिपुदलवारिणीम् मातरम् ॥
त्वं हि प्राणाः शरीरे
बाहुते तुमि मा शक्ति,
हृदये तुमि मा भक्ति,
तोमारै प्रतिमा गडि मन्दिरे-मन्दिरे ॥
कमला कमलदल विहारिणी
वाणी विद्यादायिनी, नमामि त्वाम्
नमामि कमलां अमलां अतुलाम्
सुजलां सुफलां मातरम् ॥
धरणीं भरणीं मातरम् ॥
Friday, 20 November 2009
जयोऽस्तु ते|
His writing are deeply influential. Books like "Bharatachya Itihasateel Saha Soneri Pane", his articles and his numerous poems instill the very foundations of patriotism in me. The following poem is a one of my favourites ever.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
de-Bearding Me!
Today I shaved after many days. 15, to tell you the truth. I had grown an astonishing beard, which had been a nightmare, with all the itching and scratching it brings along. Actually what had happened was that my dad had nicked my shaving cream, and gone out of station. I was acting extremely lazy, and couldnt be bothered to go and buy one...
Finally today, I got hold of shaving cream, and so, was able to shave! Anyway, it was an excellent opportunity for me to do some styling with my facial hair.. so i tried various things.. unfortunately, none of them looked that good.. infact i looked like a "bad-man" in all of them...
It was a pain in the ass to shave... The beard had grown so thick, that i had to revert to my hair-cutting machine to first trim it, and then, use the standardised method- shaving creams and razors...
It may have been a boring, long drawn act, of about 45 minutes or so, but in the end, i was happy that all of my beard had gone, and my face was itch free again! No more growing beards... from now on.. shaving takes high priority.. once ever 3 days... or atleast once a week...
Look 1: Pseudo David Beckham Beard type, after a lot of lawn moving and trimming..
Result flop
look 2: french beard look... far worse than any other look...
3.. trying to pull my hair off as im still undecieded about what to do next..
Finally... after much pondering, the standard, clean shaved me..
Friday, 13 November 2009
Chalk It up!!
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Whats in a Name?
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
बर्फाचे तट पेटूनि उठले
I dont know what, but its just the effect. No one writes such poems now, which is a really sad situation, and we have to take the blame for that on ourselves as we haven't read enough of what these great men have written. The best we can get is from Sandeep Khare. He is good, but again, nowhere near to my above quartet. The effect that a "Shravan Masi harsha manasi" or "mangal desha pavitra desha", "jayostute", "anaadi me anant me avadhya me bhala" or "saat" bring out is mind blowing. i get goosebumps every time I read one of these poems. and its not just one type of poems- their poems encompass a large spectrum of human emotions.but the ones on veer-ras are the ones i really love. in that no one can surpass savarkar and kusumagraj...
so to come to the point.. here is another one of my favourites by kusumagraj...
बर्फाचे तट पेटूनि उठले सदन शिवाचे कोसळले
रक्त आपुल्या प्रिय आईचे शुभ्र हिमावर ओघळते!
असुरांचे पद भ्रष्ट लागुनि आज सतीचे पुण्य मळे
अशा घडीला कोण करंटा तटस्थतेने दूर पळे?
कृतांत ज्वाला त्वेषाची ना कोणाच्या हृदयात जळे
साममंत्र तो सारे, राणीची नौबत आता धडधडते !
रक्त आपुल्या प्रिय आईचे शुभ्र हिमावर ओघळते!
सह्यगिरीतील वनराजांनो , या कुहरातुनि आज पुढे
रक्त हवे जर स्वतन्त्रतेला रक्ताचे पडतील सडे
एक हिमाचल राखायास्तव करा हिमाचल लक्ष खडे
समरपुराचे वारकरी हो, समरदेवता बोलविते!
रक्त आपुल्या प्रिय आईचे शुभ्र हिमावर ओघळते!
खडक काजळी घोटुनि तुमचे मनगट-बाहू घडलेले
कडेकपरिमधील वणवे उरात तुमच्या दडलेले
काबुल-कंदाहार पथावर डंके तुमचे झडलेले
शिवतेजाची दीपमाळ पाठीशी अपुल्या पाजळते!
रक्त आपुल्या प्रिय आईचे शुभ्र हिमावर ओघळते!
कोटी कोटी असतील शरीरे- मनगट अमुचे एक असे
कोटी कोटी देहात आजला एक मनीषा जगतसे
पिवळे जहरी सर्प ठेचणे अन्य मना व्यवधान नसे
एक प्रतिज्ञा, विजय मिळेतो राहील रण हे धगधगते!
रक्त आपुल्या प्रिय आईचे शुभ्र हिमावर ओघळते!
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Of bat pees and Chairs..
Monday, 7 September 2009
The Hypothetical T-20 league of Pune.
In the recent wake of the ever growing popularity of T-20 cricket, there has been a steady but certain demise of Technically excellent Test cricket, and the somewhat overdrawn One Day cricket. The number of t-20 competitions is growing day by day. Add to that the grand success of T20 world cups and the over the top extravagenza that is the IPL. certainly, T-20 seems the way ahead to blockbuster entertainment.
Based on the success of these international events, the maharashtra cricket board organised its own version of T-20- the MPL, which was again extremely successful, with large crowds. Inspired by this success, and the fact that the tournament was entirely scheduled in Pune, the Pune Municipality has decided(hypothetically) to organise its own version of T-20- The PPL(Pune Premier League).
The Board plans to get started with a pool of 20 teams, which will play each other twice, year round. there will be no finals or knockout games, but only a league.(Based on the EPL). till now, 8 clubs have been formed and registered, although there is need for 12 more teams.
The teams are formed with greatest arealism. each area will have its team, with each associated with the historical importance of that area. the teams formed so far are:
1)SSN Frugals(Sadashiv-Shanivar-Narayan Frugals): Arguably the stingiest team in thw whole competition. they wont spend a single rupee of other players, but nurture everyone and especially all the 'vatrat' youngsters staying in these Peths. The team assumes itself to be extremely old, dating back from the days of the peshwe, and has an image of bajirao on its crest. Its home matches are to be played on Sir Parshurambhau Maidan.(I AM A FAN OF THIS TEAM)
2) Mandai Makads: This is the richest team in the tournament so far. Its been backed by local Mandals such as Dagdu Halwai,Babu Genu& Mandai. They are although without a ground as of yet, and if the situation persists, we hear they are going to use the mahatma phule mandai as their ground- making them the only team with a closed roof stadium.
3) Hadapsar Hippos: This team is extremely atheletic, and with tremendous skills. However, very little is known about them.
4)Kothrud Kutras: This is a newly formed team, with its board members and players consisting of people who have moved out from other teams, especially from the SSN frugals, and so, share the habit of not spending, but encouraging youngsters. Their home games are played at the most elevated point in Pune- The plateau on Hanuman Tekdi.
5) Parvati Popats: They are again an historically important team, with headquarters situated on the kacheri at parvati. here only you can find the famous paati- hi kacheri ahe- aat pahanyasarkha kahi nahi- jata yeta dokavu naka..Their homeground is the Fulora Midan near Relax. they are one of the least favourites to win the competition.
6)Deccan Dukkars: Based at the Deccan Gymkhana, this club is the most professional of all the clubs in PPL, and so are the favourites to win it. Backed by the gymkhana, they however do tend to tap up players from other teams. But never the less, the quality is there. They play their matches at Deccan gymkhana club.
7) Fergussonian Firangs: The team consists of puneri people who talk in english just because they think they are good at it. they are however pathetic, and the team is just like that.:P its based in fergusson college, and also plays its matches on the college ground. The team is sposered by hotelling barons Vaishali, and so players get free food after practice.
8)Ganeshkhind Gorillas: The team consists of residents from areas like aundh, baner etc, and people who go to convents like loyala and KV. again, its a not at all a popular team amongst punekars, as it is considered to be from "outside". they play their matches at the NCL ground.
Two additional teams have also registered:
9) Khadak Maal Laners: They are based near the swargate region, and so will play their matches at the Hirabaug grund(nehru stadium)
10) Kasba Kavalas: the team entry is uncertain as they do not yet have a ground, and so can be barred from playing.
Other teams are yet to be formed. Once the 20 teams are in place, preparations will begin in full swing, and punekars will have a time of their lives on a weekend evening, enjoying loads and loads of cricket, and supporting their local teams, for the Inaugural PPL. lets all join the venture and make it a big success.
Friday, 4 September 2009
Wreck and Run
We all know that Americans have a really weird way of pronouncing and spelling. They are always at loggerheads with what is conventional. I often wonder why. But I never reach to a particular answer.
But, knowingly or unknowingly, they sometimes do add “colour” to the language. Just take this example- they spell colour(oxford word) as color, which sounds similar to things like collar, colon and what not. Again, they spell sulphur as Sulfur. Thank god they don’t call it seal-fur! But Americans being Americans, you simply cannot be sure what they’ll come up with.
Take a current worldwide situation under the perspective. The fertile and once prosperous regions of the Euphrates- Tigris plains, so wonderfully and fondly called as Sumeria, Babylonia, Mesopotamia, Assyria, and Persia . At the time of their zenith, the world was in awe of those cultures. Technological advances, agriculture, fertility, all signs of prosperity. The region then came under the rule of the Ottoman Turks, and was flourishing again. Baghdad was a centre for learning, and a very important one too. Numerous references are made about it in ancient literature. Well, after that, like most other nations, the British occupied the region, and renamed it as Iraq and Iran.
That’s the OK part. Americans now, feeling threatened by these two nations, are almost on the verge of warring with them. They have already invaded and destroyed Iraq, and have one eye on Iran. Yes the situation there is bad and the governments may be extremists. But still… why I’m blabbering all this is that the Americans are creating a major Linguistic Parody here.
Iraq (eeraak) and Iran (Iraan) to the whole world are pronounced as I-wreck and I-ran respectively (well, by most of the the American citizens).Now now… is it really a coincidence that it clearly highlight the American Middle east Policy!! More speculation for skeptics!!! The Wreck- and Run policy it seems! They have indeed wrecked Iraq, and are now running after Iran! I wonder how they say “Tehran”? They-ran probably? Or “Baghdad” as Bug-Dad?
Deep within, I feel totally secure as our Constitution has adopted “INDIA” as the formal name in international affairs. Just imagine if we used BHARAT. I mean, I’m still 100 percent for using it, but only not in front of Americans. Otherwise they will pronounce it like Borat. I don’t want my country to be pronounced in a similar way to an idiosyncratic brat!
But yea, definitely, Americans with their distinct lack of linguistic skills (Remember, they don’t have their own language, but have stolen it from England) and an even more distinct and unconventionally weird way of pronunciation are making the funnier side of me tickle…Wednesday, 19 August 2009
I was living in London at the time; for football buffs- about a 15 minutes walk from the Wembley stadium. It was late August... 19th August to be precise. Friday. Friday happened to be our pizza day. A few of my friends and me usually used to sit in a local pizza place and half a cheap 1 pound pizza(2 in number) for our dinner. However, on this particular day, our local pizza place was closed down, for renovation. We had no idea when we went there, and on reading a closed for renovation sign, we were utterly disappointed. So the next best thing to do.. obviously.. go to the city, and have a blast!
As every londoner would know, the best way to travel to Central london is via the "Tube". Underground as its more popularly known. We wanted to end up at Picadilly Circus. It is one of the most interesting areas in the city, and is located near to the Covent Garden. We had a straight train from North Wembley to Picadilly, on the bakerloo line.(We were still underage at that time, and so there was no point going to pubs and those sorts of places- so picadilly circus..)
Fortunately for me, my cousin, who lives in London, had come over at my place to stay for the weekend. she was also coming with us. she knew the place inside out... so that was good.. and also, she provided me a mean of talking in marathi, which becomes impossible if your friends are UK born Gujjus. Anyway, if you have a person who can speak your mother tongue, its always better... You can swear at whoever you want, without any consequences.. or so you seem to think...
We got the first train to the city. fortunately, we did not have to wait long for it.. we got a place to sit as well... which is rare considering it was friday evening. we got into the cozy compartments, and as usual, started chatting and joking, and makin fun of everything possible. 3 stations ahead, a goraa walked into our compartment. He was extremely weird. He had a mowhawk, which was coloured GREEN. and the back of his head were dreadlocked hair.. blonde in colour! and he was wearing what you would genuinly call a jhang-pang dress. Freak.
none of us could help but laugh. Such freaks are rare! It was funny... i guessed that pissed him off... He started swearing... its no point picking up fights for petty reasons... so we apologised... but me and my cousin, both hailing from Pune, just couldnot stand if someone swore at us. Being assal sadashiv pethi, we started a tirade of swear words... the usual.. ase haramkhor lok ka astat! kasla vendhala ahe! arshamadhe pahila tyala tar makad pan lajel! to julabachi udleli shintodi disto ahe! the whole bha chi barakhadi and what not...
i thought we would get away with it.. how wrong i was! the bloke got up.. he wasnt angry, but he was smiling like crazy.. he got to me and my cousin, shook our hands, and asked us in fluesnt marathi, tumhi punyache ka? I was stunned! my cousins first reaction was "WHAT THE F***!"
she was shell shocked!!
we later talked all the way till picadilly circus... he told us that he had lived in pune for 4 years, was a big fan of osho, and what not. we went our seperate ways, when we got down at picadilly. but... man!it was a really embarrassing situation! i mean, you are swearing at a random stranger, in a language which is totally unknown to him(so you think).. the stranger knows your language, smiles at what you said, and has a good laugh with you! man! amazing! i still wont forget that incident! its got to be one of the funniest, i guess...
so just as a reminder to all.. dont underestimate your opposite number when it comes to swearing!!! Curses are universal, and whats worse is that you may get caught in your own language!!
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
दूर मनो-यात

वादळला हा जीवनसागर - अवसेची रात
पाण्यावर गडबडा लोळतो रुसलेला वात
भांबावुनी अभ्रांच्या गर्दित गुदमरल्य तारा
सूडाने तडतडा फाडतो उभे शीड वारा
पिंजुनिया आयाळ गर्जती लाटा भवताली
प्रचण्ड भिंगापरी फुटते जळ आदळुनी खाली
प्रवासास गल्बते आपुली अशा काळराती
वावटळीतिल पिसाप्रमणे हेलावत जाती
परन्तु अन्धारात चकाके बघा बन्दरात
स्तम्भावरचा प्रकाश हिरवा तेजस्वी शान्त!
किरणांचा उघडून पिसारा देवदूत कोणी
काळोखावर खोदित बसला तेजाची लेणी
उज्ज्वल त्याची पहा प्रभावळ दूर मनो-यात
अन् लावा ह्रुदयात सख्यांनो, आशेची वात!
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Serious Black
Today, I am writing a rather strange post. It was actually written with a view of posting it as a testimonial on Orkut©. However, this fellow rejected that idea as he thought it would be too much of hatai if I put it as a testimonial. So instead, I am now posting it on my blog, so I will feel satisfied that my efforts have not been wasted. Anyway, the friend I am talking about is none other than our very own “Serious Black”. Here goes:
Actually, writing a testimonial to Serious is a waste of time. But since, as of now, I am not doing anything, nor do I have anything worthwhile to do, I am just wasting my time writing him one. Serious is in my college, and is one of the more famous characters we have. He is known by many nicknames. Black, T-Gun, PeeKing(PK), SB just to name a few. He is extremely elusive, so very little is known about him. He is a topper in at least two subjects per semester- in short, is very unlike Sirius Black(NO relation). The only reason we know SB is because he loves being the centre of attention. There is not a single day, when people make a bakra out of him. What is weird is that he actually relishes such incidents.
Black is one of the only two legends of pachkal pana from our year(the other being me). But when it comes to panchat pana, no one can beat him. His jokes are so pathetic, that it can make a dead man rise from his grave and pull his hair off. He has a very deep and a sonorous voice, which is always heard as distant rumblings anywhere in the college campus. However, no one is able to locate where it comes from, as he is always on the move. His glasses can magnify to infinity but he does not use it to star gaze. Instead, he prefers gazing at wild animals like buffaloes. He is very interested in playing CS and AOE. But then, he is not able to compete when playing on LAN. He is also a kind of a traitor, as he finishes off his allies in friendly fire before being killed, not having killed one enemy. His preferred weapon is AK47, although we have told him many times he would be better off using AK46. He is always geared up to play sports. His favourite sport is badminton, and he is ever ready to play it, even though it is pitch black outside or even if it’s the middle of the night. He also plays “other” non competitive games, like “Foxing around poles”.
He is extremely capable at wooing the ladies, and till now has seduced a glittering array of internationally acclaimed superstars, including the bong babe, Shakira. I don’t know how he does it, but from what I have heard, he tells them that he is a millionaire. Actually, he is not at all a kotyadheesh. What he really is; is only potyaadheesh. He is a great Sanskrit grammatician. This is the sole reason for him being able to make out multiple meanings of any given phrase, when any others fail to even comprehend what is being said. Arguably, he is a genius when it comes to internet browsing, and is an inventor of numerous browsing related things like history clearing, cookie clearing etc.
Black is also addicted to a many things, but mostly suspense. He has got his unique style of creating it, by clenching his fists and covering his mouth with it to give an impression of clearing his throat. I guess that’s the reason why he actually attracts all the ladies- they think that he is serious when actually he is not. He is actually a very interesting character. But since he is a Chitpavan, he does not give out all his habits in a single shot. That’s the reason why I know so lil of him. And that’s why I have to terminate my testimonial.
I am sure that this person is going to have a go at me once he reads this, and meets me in college. but i dont care.. i didnt want my efforts to be wasted...
Monday, 20 July 2009
In the midst of yetoy, baghu and all, finally eight of the invited eight turned up. what was unusual was the group actually- me, joshi, gaurav,khaki, kale, mugdha, mrini, saili and utpala. It was a little odd, but then i have good contacs with all of them! Anyway, everyone is geared to do timepass, and so nothing comes in between. after a brief tour around my colony, which was pretty lame, and the highlights which were only kales rendezvous with the ducks, we returned back, with the agenda of playing something.
the thoughts varied from rugby, football, to badminton, but as girls are very naatki, we abandoned the plan. for a while, me joshi and kale were playing the target mugdha/mrinmayi game, where we were trying to hit a football on her head. no one got a perfect hit. but ya, you could guess our willingness to play anything. suddenly, out of nowhere, there was a majority to play challenge.
as a matter of fact,i happen to be a proud owner of a mix of about 10 decks of cards, neither of which are full. we selected that to be the ideal deck to play challenge with. it was chaotic right from the start. 9 people were distributing cards, each one had about 50 in their hands, with mugdha given more cards than anyone.

soon the game started, and we completely lost track of time. when we finally finished,we had been playing for about 3 hours. it was the most vadheev game of challenge ive ever played. there were instances where sailis utari was 18 atthya! and saglya kharya hotya! she was lucky that i was next to her, otherwise, she would have been caught most of the time for putting khoti pana. anyway, i was doing the same thing. pan mazyakade 21 kharya atthya astana me 1khota pan laun 1 atthi vagere cheap pana karat hoto. joshya, gaurav and me were cheating the most. 4 pana sangun 6 pana lavna etc etc.. pan thats where the actual fun is.. what was funnier was that utpala was convinced every single time that the set was a fake. at the end, she and khaki had huge piles of cards with them. khaki was infact unearthing the cards from everywhere-from sleeves to pockets!
in the meantime, thanks to constant cheating, saili, and joshi won the game. too bad i couldnt win it, but ya, it happens once in a while. anyway, next time watch out! what i really realised was that although playing cards is a waste of time, when with friends always do it!oh ya! ani samja khoti pana lavlit, tar mag..., "Challenge!"
Monday, 22 June 2009
Good Ol' School Days!
A school is, ideally, a place where you gain knowledge. However true this might be, I have to differ on this opinion. It is actually a place where you gain more than just knowledge. It’s a place where one gains values, culture and a whole load of friends who, like you, are just a bunch of mischief makers.
When you pass out, and on a lonely afternoon, get nostalgic about the school days, the first things that come to your mind are the havoc you had created, how you had played pranks on a lot of people, all the headaches you caused for your teachers. In general, more than marks or anything, how you just had a lifetime of fun with all your friends. I am no exception to this. Often, I think about the extremely illogical things that we all did. It puts a smile on my face! Ah! School!
My school wasn’t that exceptional. It was a sort of school that an average middle class kid from Sadashiv Peth would go to (well, most of my classmates lived in Sadashiv Peth, some still do). The school was called Shikshan Prasarak Mandali’s English Medium School or SPM for short. God knows why it was an English medium school. No one ever spoke in English, including the teachers. If there is one thing that we Sadashiv Pethis are known for is the maaz we do for speaking only in Marathi. The school, which is also located in Sadashiv Peth, totally reflected the culture. So overall, one may think that there is nothing special with that- it’s just like any other school. But what made it special were the teachers that it had, and the friends I had there.
Now as it so happened, our school students were all exceptional, the exception to this trend being our batch। Well, it was notorious. There were only two types people- out and out mischievous (vaatrat) ones like sanmit, bangwa etc, and the hidden (“khodkar mule”) like about 90 percent of us. After we had passed out, our ex-principle(who we popularly referred to as “Kaku”) had told me that she was glad that school was finally getting rid of us as no one was able to handle us! As they say, reputations come on a basis of reality, and true to her words, our batch was actually way too rowdy.
But it is these acts that still remain fresh in my memory-acts of complete stupidity, some beyond the scale of repair, some actual damages, and well of course pranks. Some incidents like Madhushree breaking the latch of the doors between the 10th A and B classes so that all of us back benchers could escape the boring geometry lecture by Shraddha Joshi (Wolly as she was known) are vivid. Another was when I and Ameya Joshi used to sit on the first bench near the window; we were caught 11 times in 1 day throwing paper planes on the playground.
These were just time pass acts, to divert our attentions off the boredom caused by the monotonous drooling of the teachers. But there were more serious incidents drawn up by my batch. In our 8th we had set 3 dustbins on fire (I don’t know how that happened) as a protest for our footballing time (PT periods) getting cancelled- the result, no PT for an entire year. Another was a stone-flinging competition we had in our 7th, when two guys were injured and had to be rushed to the hospital. We were all given severe warnings about our conduct. As if that wasn’t enough, in the same year about twenty five of us (basically nearly all the boys from 7th B) were again “fined” for using politically incorrect language(rather acting like any normal 13 year old kid would- like swearing in the off lectures). I actually remember paying 30 rupees as the fine for that!
But the real fun started when we were in the post Diwali term of 8th. This is because it’s the age that the “jodya lavaa” game starts. No one was spared- including me(anyway,, I was a victim from 6th- so by this time, I was used to it). But now the basic propagators were me, Aslekar, and Pranav Kale. We continued to link people for the next two-two and a half years! I remember my mother telling me once that she had received a phone call from Hemlata miss telling that I was a good boy(?) and that I should not indulge in such activities. I was even made a Prefect that year so that it would knock some sense back in my head. But, I had nothing to lose. My exam results were always good, and I was always amongst the top 3, so the teachers couldn’t tell me off for not studying as well! Well, I was eventually stripped off the prefect badge. But who wanted to be a prefect anyway! (although I later regretted that; I was appointed the NIE monitor and so had to carry a ton of newspaper everyday! Mrinmayi, kahi athavtay ka?)
In 8th, we had our first extremely memorable overnight trip to Bhilavdi. Although I don’t remember it that much now, what I do remember is that Ameya Abhyankar crossed from his room to our room on a 3rd floor parafeet so that he could play cards with us at night. Other more notorious people actually went and locked the room of our vice-principle and class teacher from outside. God knows how they got out, but we received hell for that. In the same trip, three of us unfortunate boys had to share a room with this certain guy deemed by everybody to be a girl (SPMites will know who! We are still scared of him). But we ragged him so much that he eventually went off to some other room!
If 8th wasn’t fun, 9th certainly was. I was in 9th A, Pai miss’ class, and although our class was thought to be as ‘tyatlyatyat sensible’ we had our moments of madness. Pai miss was less of a teacher and more of our friend. We used to crowd around her table, sit on it, fill the attendance register for her(stating that everyone was present), and do loads of masti. She was extremely cool with everything. 9th has some vivid memories. The stand out ones are those when our science teacher actually tied up an idiot who was an extremely mischievous kid to the window by his tie! Yet, till the time the teacher came back, the boy had untied his tie knot and was sitting down, gleaming with a sense of victory. He was thrown out of the class for the rest of the week. Another was when I and Ashwin Deshpande were doing the “Rikishi” dance in front of Wolly by wearing goggles. We didn’t get into trouble, but our goggles were kept in the dangerous items pile in the teachers’ cupboard for a week. We got it back, thanks to Neha J, who was the cupboard monitor, and our friend.
In later parts we had a stay over in school for Diwali. I don’t know why the school invited us of all the people, but im sure they (the teachers) regretted it later. We broke 3 tube lights trying to play badminton with a spoon as a shuttle and the tube light as a net. Later the same evening, while trying to remove and hide the broken tube lights, Ashay tweaked one of the fans, till it nearly fell off. We even nicked pav-bhaaji in the dead of the night. When the peon came to fire us all, people tripped him, and apparently, someone hit him. The night was also exciting. Instead of sleeping, we were playing cricket in the classroom, which broke 3 windows(Waghya put his hand through one). We were again all fined- this time hundred rupees, and all had 3 detentions. Actually the whole year was marred by detentions as all of us used to get a remark for misbehavior for having chalk fights in about every alternate lecture. After a couple of months, much to the dismay of all the teachers, most of the diaries had no further space for remarks! (with Sanmit leading the way for the number of detentions- a record; I guess)
The months of February and March were field days. We had a 6 day trip to Indore, which is just too memorable. I remember every single thing! Right from the fight we had with a chhakka(eunuch) in the train to the night where Sagar jumped off his balcony into Preksha’s to and that certain “juniors” were caught watching what they shouldn’t and that famous song “4 vaajle kombda arawla”. I will devote a separate post for this memorable trip. 9th was just way too memorable!
Unfortunately, I had to leave Pune after a month in my 10th standard. Of all the things that I regret missing in my life, missing 10th in SPM certainly wins the number one place. We had made so many devilish schemes of how everybody would never forget and forgive us, which I was not able to execute! I really had a tough time being away from all the action, all the hungama, all the chaos, all the fun, laughter, and the most important- friends. It’s astonishing how separating you from your lifelong friends actually brings them even more closer. It is such things that make you appreciate the meaning of friendship.
I left, but my batch continued its tradition of creating havoc and confusion and damaging property. Eventually, fed up with these antics, our 10th std class was all demoted to a 6th std classroom, while they were given our classrooms, so as to make our life as miserable as possible. But the real deal was that the principal thought that we should look up to the 6th standard kids as role models for behavior! This had outraged(pissed would have been a suitable word... but then…) one and all, and so as a farewell to school, people broke all tube lights, chairs, tables, blackboards, did significant garfitti on every possible thing etc (as ive heard from very reliable sources). However, there was a twist in the tale. To the surprise of one and all, in the batch of no-hopes everyone managed to pass the 10th grade with flying colours(though no one got a rank in the boards, which I guess was anyway expected), with the school getting a generous 100 percent result. Astonishing considering what the situation was only a year ago!
I had some amazing memories and some amazing friends in school- Kedar, Mrinmayi, Ameya Abhyankar, Anupam, Neha, Madhu, Aslekar, Adwait, Joshya, Dheri, Phodya, Bafana, Gogte, Mugdha, Kale, Khaki just to name a few. Actually, barring a handful of people, everyone was everyone’s friend- that was what was most unique about our batch- Unity. It showed throughout our six years in the secondary school. So although we were known wreckers of property and damage causing elements, what the older teachers (those who taught us) now remember us is for this-Unity. A good finish and at least a positive end to our school days!
This school and these friends will always remain special to me, no matter what happens. Man! I really miss those days! I just wish I were able to build a time capsule and relive those days, for old times’ sake. I will never forget incidents such as Thuse proposing Anu in the cycle stand, or Tejas Joshi keeping a bottle of milk on Nagmani Miss’ table on Nagpanchami, or the fact that he was caught drawing a heart on a wall, or that Ranjeet forgot our national anthem, when he was told to sing it in front of the entire school! There are many of these, but more in another post.
Ah well, with so much said, id better end this post, otherwise I will get way too emotional to do the other things I planned for today! But still, Ah! The school days!
Friday, 19 June 2009
Independence is a hard thing to achieve, especially if you are ruled by those who have what it takes to oppress you in any circumstance. It takes immense efforts to attain independence in such situations. It requires courage, strength, endurance, and to the extreme, even the readiness to give up ones life for the cause. And when those efforts are paid off, the fleeting feeling is altogether different. Rather there is no feeling like that.
Shivaji Maharaj's entire life had been a struggle. A struggle to preserve our lands, our culture, our traditions, and last but the most important- our Dharma. i have obtained an extract from Shivshahir Babasaheb Purandare' book Janata Raja. It is about the emotions that were running through the mind of the common Marathi people, after the coronation os Shivaji Maharaj. It is immensely captivating. i have a tear in my eye every time i read it- a tear of joy. Aanandashru as they call it. It gives a vivid image- I feel like i was at the ceremony 350 years ago. Its worth sharing. Those who are proud owners of the cassette series of Shivacharitra Kathan, will find this in the 15th cassette "Rajyabhishek". Have a go through it anyway.
महाराष्ट्रात पुन्हा अयोध्या अवतरली. न्यायाचे, सद्धार्माचे, सुसंस्कृतिचे छत्रसिंहासन पुन्हा प्रकटले. साडेतीनशे वर्षांचे सुतक फिटले . सारी विशण्णता, नैराश्य, दुःख लयाला गेले. सार्या जखमा बुजल्या. सारे अपमान धुऊन निघाले. सर्वत्र आनंदी-आनंद उडाला. नव्या जीवनाचा साक्षात्कार सर्वांस झाला. सर्व संशय व भये पळाली. न्यायासाठी, संरक्षणासाठी, सुखदुःखे सांगण्यासाठी, हवे ते हक्कानी मागण्यासाठी ममतेचे, समतेचे उदार आणि बलाढ्य सिंहासन निर्माण झाले. सावलीसाठी विशाल छात्र उघडले गेले. मुलबाळांस, लेकीसुनांस शेतकार्यांस हक्काने रुसावयास जागा निर्माण झाली. अवघ्यांना आजोळ-माहेर लाभले. महाराष्ट्रात आनंदसंवत्सर उगवले. सृष्टि डोलू लागली. सह्याद्रीला हर्षवायु झाला. स्मुद्रमंथानात देवानांही जे मिळाले नाही असे अपूर्व रत्ना महाराष्ट्राला मिळाले- सिंहासन! समुद्र तळापासून उचंबळला. सह्याद्रीचे सारे जिवलग आनंदाने हिंदोळले
स्वप्नी जे देखिले रात्रीँ। तें तें तैसेचि होतसे
हिंडता फिरता गेलों । आनंदवनभूवनीं
स्वधर्माआड जी विघ्नें। तीं तीं सर्वत्र ऊठिलि
लाटिलीं कुटिलीं देवे। दपिलीं, कापिलीं बहु
विघ्नाच्या उठिल्या फौज। भीम त्यावरी लोटला
भर्डिलीं चिर्डिलीं रांगे। रडविलीं, बडविलीं बळें
खौळले लोक देवाचे। मुख्या देवची उठिला
कळेना काय रे होतें। आनंदवनभूवनीं
स्वर्गीची लोटिली जेथे। रामगंगा महानदी
तीर्थासी तूळणा नाही।आनंदवनभूवनीं
त्रैलोक्य चालिल्या फौजा। सौख्य बंदिविमोचनें
मोहिम मांडिली मोठी। आनंदवनभूवनीं
अनेक वाजती वाद्ये। ध्वनिकल्लोळ उठिला
छाबिने डोलती ढाला। आनंदवनभूवनीं
कल्पांत मांडिला मोठा। म्लेंछादैत्य बुडावाया
कैपक्षा घेतला देवीं। आनंदवनभूवनीं
बुडाले सर्वही पापी। हिन्दुस्थान बळावले
अभक्तांचा क्षयो जाला। आनंदवनभूवनीं
येथून वाढला धर्मु। रमाधर्म समागमे
संतोष मांडिला मोठा। आनंदवनभूवनीं
बुडाला औरंगया पापी। म्लेंछासंहार जाहला
मोडिली मांडिली क्षेत्रे। आनंदवनभूवनीं
उदंड जाहलें पाणी| स्नानसंध्या करावाया
जपतप अनुष्ठाने। आनंदवनभूवनीं
लिहिला प्रत्ययो आला। मोठा आनंद जाहला
चढता वाढता प्रेमा। आनंदवनभूवनीं
बंड पाषांड उडाले। शुद्ध अध्यात्मा वाढले
राम कर्ता राम भोक्ता। आनंदवनभूवनीं
देवालये दीपमाळा।रंगमाळा बहुविधा
पूजिला देव देवांचा। आनंदवनभूवनीं
गीत सांगती सामर्थ्यें। वाद्याकल्लोळ ऊठिला
मिळाले सर्व अर्थार्थीँ। आनंदवनभूवनीं
येथुनी वाचती सर्वें। ते ते सर्वत्र देखती
सामर्थ्य काय बोलावे। आनंदवनभूवनीं
केवढा हा प्रचितीचा आनंद! विरक्त योगी-बैरागीहि आनंदले. सर्वच आनंदले. ऋतु, नक्षत्रे, मेघ, आकाश, वरुण हेहि आनंदले, भारावले, गहिवरले आणि त्यानी आपल्या आनंदाश्रुंची बरसात सुरु केलि.
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Rains, Sur Malhar, and Me- an inner experience.
It was couple of days ago, that it first rained in Pune this year. It made my day. Or rather, the evening. I had not experienced a calmer and more peaceful evening than that in a long long time.
The ingredients:
- Torrential downpour
- A masterclass of Sur Malhar
- and food in complete darkness.
what followed was simply amazing. i had shifted my base now, from the veranda to my balcony to catch some cool air. thats when it initially started drizzling, and soon, there was a big deluge. the smell of first rains, the rustling of the leaves, the sound of the drops hitting the roof are extremely refreshing. fortunately for me, i was alone at home that day. i could thus, enjoy a peaceful rain. it was already dark, and then, it started getting even darker when the sun started to set. it was then, that i realised that there was no electricity. the sudden downpour had broken or shorted one of the cables in the colony. well, more reasons to celebrate!!
i have never had such a wonderful experience of the rain- i could actually make out five to six different types of splashes-
of drops falling on the tin roof
of drops falling on leaves
of drops rolling of leaves onto the ground
of drops falling in the pools that get accumulated
and of drops falling on the shingled roof.
just to name a few...
After, I dont know how long i had this sudden, as they call in marathi, hukki to listen to any form of Malhar. I had a clip of Sur Malhar by Kishori Amonkar, which i had recently acquired. i played it on my cell phone. those twenty blissful moments are few of the best in my life till now. It was an extremely beautiful bandish.. badrwaa barasan ke. I dont know why i waited so long to hear it. but it was worth the wait. the trickling of rain had made it even more beautiful.
I was in a complete trance. No worries, no noise, just calm... only disturbed by the rustling of the leaves and the occasional lightening flash. Every time i closed my eyes, the "Sa" that was struck was kishori amonkars magical voice was resonating within my body. Music has power- atleast it has enough magic in it, to make us believe that it has powers. whenever the words badarwaa barasana were being sung,i felt that there was an increase in the ampunt of rain for that micro second. it was definitely an illusion- but magical nonetheless.
The absence of electricity had made it even more beautiful. Rain, Music that brings out the flavour of the rain and pitch black- i couldnt have asked for anything more. It was one extremely goosebump giving effect.All this, coupled with the chill that the rain brings and the wind that was blowing really refreshed me- from within. I dont know how long i was sitting outside. but when i finally went in, my parents had arrived, and it was about 1 am. i have never ever had such an experience. it was simply mind blowing. Now, finally, afters years of pondering, i came to realise, why rains are held in such high regard, and why their imminent arrival is so despeartely awaited...